Sunday, September 19, 2010

I promise I'll post more than once a pre-new years resolution???


I actually considered writing this before I went to dance practice at 4....but then I was tired and took a nap/read for history. Okay okay, so a lot of stuff has gone down. Since last actually happened on the 9th...

My dog, of 14 1/2 years, Puck, died. He had to be put down by my parents that thursday morning. When I called my mom to tell her something important ( obv. not that important...cause well I forgot it), she sounded terrible and it was then that she told me. I'm not going to lie, I was completely miserable. That continued for a while. Nights would be me, curled up on my bed sobbing into Brad about how I missed my dog and how I didn't feel that I said goodbye to him well enough. Last night, I read this thing about "Rainbow Bridge" which is where pets who have pre-deceased their humans go.... (the site I found it on will be described in a minute) and I like lost it. Im not even that religious and fuck, I lost it. All in all, Puck was a great dog. He lived longer than he was supposed to and he loved me every minute of it. He loved everything and anything and was one of the sweetest dogs I've ever known. I wrote this on my facebook for my picture -- and well I'll put what I said here:
     RIP Puck:(2/20/1996-9/9/2010) You were a great dog and lived a great life. You always knew that you could make my tears stop if you just put your big bucket head into my lap and looked at me with those big brown eyes. You had the curliest hair was like a fluffy little fro. We called you a butterball when you were a baby. You always were. You loved me with all you had and loved EVERYONE you met. Watch over us and make sure you enjoy all the treats, food, hockey socks, and the lake with all the ducks you chased, up in heaven. You were the best dog ever. I love you and miss you more and more each day. ♥

My Mom and Dad decided that eventually we will get another dog. Mom says it will be better when we are around (so break) to bond with the little guy and see how Rudy (our 6 1/2 yr old golden) and Madeline (my cat...) interact with him. Theyve started the process (because it takes forever), but mom and I agree that we aren't ready for a new dog just yet. I found the Rainbow Bridge passage on the website of the breeder lady--from who we are getting the (now unborn) new puppy from eventually. I called her today and was like "Im really not ready" and she agreed. Good thing its not for a while....cause the coping thing is kind of hard. Mom says that we had a private cremation thing for Puck and that we will spread his ashes in the back yard and then in NH on the Lake....cause he loved it.

On the school note: things are going well. Caroline came to visit for friday night/saturday morning-- that was a highlight of my weekend :) ALSO, this past Thursday I had a counseling exam and a stats exam and didnt prepare well enough for stats cause i was freaking out about counseling....jesus. I'm just stressed. Other than that , gave a great history presentation with Connor about the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 and then the Sedition Act of 1918 and ....the Patriot Act. 70 minutes long and stressful as hell. Love that class though. I love being here.....though homework is out the wazoo. Hmm lets think.... I got into a bellydance for dance club-- its gonna be really cool. I'm nervous cause im always self conscious --but I really like the choreographer and she said that people focus more on the dancing rather than how people look. I dont look terrible I'm gonna leave it at that.

Finally -- the Symlin (if you didnt read the post before--go back and look) --is working? I mean it still hurts my tummy like crazy, but I will get used to it. It just makes me kinda wanna that sucks. But if my sugar is low before I eat I dont have to take it. Basically lemme just get through this and get my sugars down. I will be happy when I get the A1c Test that tells me that it has gone down significantly.

Okay, well I'm done for now.

Till next time (which I promise, will be sooner than in a month)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh hey there, massive amounts of homework!

Hello world.

I really am MIA on this aren't I? Lets see....New Hampshire was so much fun. One week with the family (Aunt Sarah came out from CA =]) and then another with the family AND significant others :) I had a blast with Brad, Janine. my brothers, etc etc....I only wish that Jamie and Janine could've stayed the WHOLE time. I love them. They are so adorable and loving and fun. I can't wait to visit them again come December/Winter Break.

One of my favorite pictures from the summer was one of Brad and I at the Woodshed (see Facebook...I'm too lazy to put up a picture now...). He's so cute. I love him and I hope he knows how much I do. I must say, as I said before, this summer was not the summer of friends. Summer of frustration more like it. Thank God I have therapy today....I was up till 3 trying to distract myself so I could make sure that I went to sleep and didn't think of all the messed up stuff running through my head.

Anywho, it's the second week back at SMCM and I am loving life....except the homework part haha. I was swamped last week and I am swamped again, but I guess thats what you have to expect when you go to college. Caroline surprised us by visiting this past weekend and all I can say is.....I miss her too much for words. She needs to come back and by needs, I mean to visit and to attend SMCM again. That's just my personal opinion. She makes me smile and seeing her this weekend just brought such a light into

On the diabetes front....I was doing well with the sensor and everything, then it needed to be changed(recently) and I took it out but didn't put it back in. It hurt me! But I will later today.  Also, I'm taking a new (for me ) brand of insulin called Apidra(sp???) which is a little faster than Novolog I guess. Dr Reiner just put me on it because I asked about faster acting insulins.

And then there is the issue of Symlin. Back in the day, I was on Symlin (you take it right before meals and it is supposed to keep the blood sugar all insulins....but its different. It doesnt focus on covering the carbs etc etc. Look it up when you have the chance. or just go here It was originally used for just type 2, but people found it working for type 1 we are). I got super nauseaus and icky feeling and I hated it. So I went off of it--this was like 7th grade. (soooooo 7ish years ago?) Now Dr. Reiner is all for this again. Esp cause he wants me to have better control. I havent gotten the pens in the mail yet...but I suppose when they do come I will have to start shooting up before eating. That will be fun. If anyone in the diabetes community reads this (which I doubt...but its worth a shot...haha a shot....nevermind)...have you tried symlin recently? if so how was it?

Well, I'm to therapy soon...then I'll come back to my room and work work work.