Sunday, May 2, 2010

So, it's supposed to rain tomorrow....or today...technically...and I'm excited

St. Mary's City gets obnoxiously hot when it wants to. And when I say obnoxiously hot, I mean like 90's and then your air conditioner, which has been working for oh, two days....decides that it will just push out hot air. Not. Cool. When I left yesterday to give my roommate and her boyfriend "alone" was freezing and nice and I was happy.  I came back today...and it was ....disgusting. Maybe it's just because I hate being warm and I THRIVE/ am comfortable with a fan on in my bedroom 95% of the year (I get that from my Daddy)...but it was hot as anything in my room...and still is.

AGH. I just want this week to be done with. I want to move back home, into my own room (that I don't have to share with ANYONE), with my own bed, and a fan that is constantly on me. I want to see my puppies and my kitten, my family, and most of all-- my friends who I have been dying to just hug. Like, I just want a hug from ALL of them right now. That's all. I feel like my mood would go from completely crappy to awesome if that could happen. I'm sick of writing papers and taking exams and caring about things. I want to be able to go downstairs to get ice water and regular food ( that isn't fried or from the Great Room -- not bashing St. Mary's dining....but I'm ready for Mom's cooking again). I cannot wait to be able to shower in my own shower without shower shoes. That would be nice. Alas, 8 days from now, I will be I cannot complain too much.

Yesterday (Saturday) was really nice. It was hot as ANYTHING but we played frisbee and went to the waterfront. I ended up taking Brad sailing for the first time (it really made me want to be in NH)....and that, of course, was an adventure. Once we got out on the river, we were great -- sailing along at a good pace...the sailboats down here have a main sail and a jib ....which I haven't sailed with since camp--but I put Brad in charge of the jib and steered us into the middle of the river. Brad got nervous 'cause we started going fast and the boat was at an angle....where he was closer to the water....but it wasn't terrible. I think he just feared falling out/capsizing...which I told him I wouldn't do. Other than that, it was a lot of fun, and really relaxing. When we tried to go in to the dock....well, that's when things got complicated. The wind basically died on us and it took us about a half an hour to get from the buoy to the dock. That was fun...ha. I mean it was, just not that part.

All and all, things are pretty good here in So. MD. Just a bit stressful with....1. A sociology paper, 2. a sosh test, 3. a presentation on Argentina WITH OUT note cards...completely from mem and entirely in spanish (joy....), and finally, 4. a Social Psych test..... I took my spanish and anthro exams on friday, thank god. I'll survive, I promise.

My bloodsugar hasn't been very nice to me...I'm either dropping below 70 mg/dL or going above 180 mg/dL -- and I would rather not. I'm pretty sure I dropped in the middle of my spanish final...but luckily I had carbs on hand b/c I had slept through lunch (damn alarm on my phone being set for 1130 PM rather than AM....). Frankly, I'm just really sick of it and having to deal with everything. I was watching my friend Christine drink a bottle of powerade on Saturday, and I thought to myself as I looked into my purse, "I'm gonna have to dose for this blue (yet very refreshing and totally necessary) powerade....I wonder if her pancreas is already responding." Lame, I know. But it goes through my head a lot. My friends here, and at home, and even my family just go and eat whatever and don't have to worry if/how it will affect them later on. Sure, they might get a sugar high if they eat/drink something particularly high in sugar/carbs, but it doesn't affect them like it affects me. God, I'm complaining. I apologize, 'cause I don't mean to sound just bothers me a lot.

I'll get over it.

Well, I'm off to bed.

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